Many people complain of migraines and headaches. Sometimes the headache is chronic, but sometimes it can come on suddenly and severely. Headaches, especially sudden stabbing, may be a sign of cerebral hemorrhage. One of the two important factors that trigger aneurysm bleeding is smoking and the other is high blood pressure. Smoking increases bleeding. Failure to control high blood pressure can also cause the aneurysm to bleed, he says.
It is possible to detect the aneurysm without bleeding
An aneurysm is the development of bubbles at the weak point of the vessel wall. This situation mostly occurs in the areas where the veins are divided into two. The vein has different layers. As a result of the weakness in one of these layers, the balloon gradually grows. A very risky situation arises when aneurysm bleeding occurs. Almost half of the patients die. However, with today's diagnostic methods, it is possible to detect aneurysm without bleeding.
The most typical symptom is sudden and severe headache.
A person with aneurysm bleeding experiences pain that is incomparable with other headaches. Almost everyone has had a headache once in their life. But the headache in aneurysm bleeding is very severe. Patients describe this pain as "I got hit on the head with a sledgehammer", "A bomb exploded in my head" or "Suddenly I got a knife". Apart from bleeding, aneurysms cause symptoms by compressing the surrounding nerves or neck tissue, especially when they reach large sizes.
Diagnosis can be made with MRI angiography and Bt angiography.
The formation of aneurysm cannot be prevented for today. However, an established aneurysm can be diagnosed with MRI angiography and CT angiography techniques. There are two main treatment methods for aneurysms. One is the angiography method, which is done by entering the vein.