The clinical picture that emerges as temporary and abnormal electrical discharges that start suddenly in the brain cells is known as epilepsy among the people. Not every person who has epileptic seizures has epilepsy. A person may have a one-off epileptic seizure at some point in his life. Epilepsy is diagnosed when seizures recur with certain characteristics for each patient over time, sometimes spontaneously and sometimes on the basis of triggering factors. Epilepsy disease, which does not distinguish between gender, is mostly seen in young people and elderly people.
Epilepsy disease, which can occur without any reason,
genetic developmental abnormalities
Infections exposed while in the womb
toxic substances
Deprivation of oxygen during birth
Brain infections such as meningitis after birth
head injuries
Prolonged and recurrent febrile seizures
Heavy metal or carbon monoxide poisoning
Brain tumors, stroke, brain hemorrhages
Excessive alcohol consumption can also occur for reasons such as metabolic disorders.
Factors such as not taking the drugs used for epilepsy, insomnia and irregular diet can trigger seizures.
A multidisciplinary approach is required in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. It is appropriate for the treatment to be evaluated by specialist neurologists in centers that have the infrastructure required by medical and surgical treatment and specialists such as neurosurgery, neuroradiologists, psychiatrists, and neuropsychologists. There are two ways to treat it: medication and surgery. Drug selection should be made according to Hasan's age, other diseases, and the type of seizure. Some patients can use epilepsy drugs for a long time or even for life. The most important point in drug treatment is the regular and planned use of drugs. For the success of the treatment, it is very important to change the lifestyle of the patient and pay attention to the way of nutrition in addition to drug therapy. Epilepsy surgery is generally applied to patients with drug resistance.