In fact, this problem is much more common than anticipated worldwide and affects almost half of men aged 40-70 to varying degrees.
Most common sexual dysfunctions in men
Sexual dysfunctions in men are often seen as inability to achieve an erection and premature ejaculation. Apart from this, we also encounter sexual dysfunctions caused by some congenital structural problems of the penis.
hardening problem
The hardening of the penis, which we call an erection, is a complex event in which many vascular, nervous, structural and psychological factors play a role. In order for an erection to occur, all of these main structures must work in a healthy and harmonious way. We can describe the problem of erection in the penis as the inability to achieve an erection at a level that will sustain sexual intercourse. Of course, this situation must also be permanent. In fact, this problem is much more common worldwide than anticipated and affects almost half of men aged 40-70 to varying degrees.
What are the conditions that increase the risk of contracting this disease?
In fact, obesity, diabetes, disorders in blood fat values, lack of exercise and smoking are the most important causes of cardiovascular diseases. Apart from this, hormonal disorders are also seen as a result of decrease in male hormone with age, drugs, psychological problems, stress and surgical interventions. Men with these diseases should be aware that they may encounter erection problems over time.
The severity of the disease determines the treatment and the mode of treatment after the underlying disease is revealed. As urologists, we generally deal with its treatment in several steps. The person should be informed about his condition together with his partner. Especially in correctable situations such as hormonal disorders, the erection problem usually improves with the correction of the underlying hormonal imbalance. It is necessary to make lifestyle changes such as weight loss, quitting smoking, and regular exercise. Then, medical treatments are tried in the first step according to the patient's condition. Here, drugs that are commonly known in the community and that are oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors are given. Depending on the treatment response, it is decided to continue using these drugs or to use different drugs. In the second step of the treatment, vacuum devices, drug injections into the penis or drugs applied into the urinary canal or the penile skin are tried. In patients who do not benefit from these methods, it is now necessary to switch to penile prosthesis applications with surgical intervention.
Penile prostheses
Penile prosthesis applications are started in patients who do not respond to drugs and now want a permanent treatment. In general, there are two types of penile prosthesis. One of them is the permanent hard prosthesis, which we call malleable penile prosthesis, and the other group is penile prostheses with inflatable parts (2 or 3 parts).
Which should be preferred?
There are many factors that determine this. These are economic reasons, patient preference, and the patient's condition. Inflatable penile prostheses are actually more suitable for normal prostheses. However, they are more costly and are not usually covered by insurance due to economic implications in health. In addition, the patient's inability to use his hands, for example, is an obstacle to the application of this prosthesis. In addition, this operation is a more complex operation. Some mechanical problems in the prosthesis and complications related to surgery are more common. Permanently hard prosthesis applications are a much simpler application. However, this prosthesis can cause cosmetic problems in patients.
Our hospital is one of the largest and most advanced 3rd step treatment centers in our country with its physician and technological infrastructure. In our hospital, laparoscopic and robotic all kinds of minimally invasive surgical methods are performed. All kinds of urological diagnosis and treatment procedures related to adult and pediatric urology are performed in our clinic. Our hospital is one of the few centers in our country that has the Da Vinci Robotic System.