Female genital cancers are divided into internal genital and external genital cancers.
Internal genital cancers:
cervical cancer
Cancers from the uterine lining and uterine muscle (endometrium and sarcoma)
ovarian cancer
Vaginal Cancer
External Genital Cancers
Vulvar Cancer
We often see internal genital cancers. Foremost among these, endometrial cancer of the uterine lining is the most common type of cancer in Turkey.
What are its symptoms:
In uterine lining endometrium cancer;
Abnormal bleeding (especially during menopause)
Discomfort, pressure, pain in the lower abdomen
swelling in the abdomen
Swelling in the genital shade
Unexplained weight loss
In cervical cancer; post intercourse bleeding
What are the Diagnostic Methods:
Cervical smear pap (for cervical cancer)
MRI & Computed tomography
Endometrial biopsy
Dilation and curettage
If any problems are detected as a result of the scans, detailed examinations may be requested.