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  • I Have Prostate, What Should I Do?

    After a certain age, the subject that people talk about the most is diseases. When it comes to illness and medicine, everyone loves to pass on their own experience. Among the topics discussed, cardiovascular diseases come first. This is followed by uterine and chest diseases in women and "prostate diseases" in men. In men over the age of 45, prostate enlargement begins due to hormonal changes in the body, and 50 percent of men over the age of 60 and 80 percent of men aged 70-80 have prostate enlargement (BPH - Benign Prostate Enlargement). The prostate is part of the male reproductive system and is the size of a walnut. It is a gland that weighs approximately 20 g and is 3.5 x 2.5 cm in size. This organ is part of the male reproductive and excretory system. The prostate is located just in front of the rectum and in the lower part of the bladder where urine collects. The prostate also surrounds the urethra, the canal through which urine passes. The prostate aids in reproduction. It adjusts the acid-base ratio of semen and sperm motility. With prostate enlargement, the urethra narrows and as a result causes various complaints. Complaints caused by prostate enlargement: frequent urination, Don't get up to urinate at night Feeling as if you are constantly urinating Inability to fully relax, even after urinating Feeling burning while urinating intermittent peeing, bleeding urine Urinating in a fringed-forked style by scattering, Difficulty urinating Decreased urine flow Difficulty urinating, incontinence In fact, even if a man over the age of 45 does not have any complaints, he should be examined by a urologist once a year. First of all, it is determined how much the patient is affected by prostate enlargement by listening to the patient's complaints. It should be determined whether there are other diseases associated with it. Then, the patient undergoes a detailed physical examination. Digital rectal examination, srotal and penile examination, and whole body physical examination should be performed. The size of the prostate is not proportional to the complaints. In other words, a small prostate will cause many complaints, while a large prostate may not cause a problem in the patient. The reason is whether the prostate is infected or not and the presence of the prostate middle lobe. Many tests that vary from patient to patient are applied to diagnose BPH. Complete urinalysis, urinary system ultrasonography, direct urinary system radiography, biochemistry tests including kidney functions and urine flow rate test are the most frequently applied tests. Intravenous pyelography (IVP) has a place in very special situations. It no longer has a place in the routine like it used to be. Prostate cancer, urinary infection, bladder dysfunction, diseases that reduce bladder capacity, urethral strictures, stones stuck in the urethra, and bladder tumors extending to the bladder neck will also cause voiding problems, so care should be taken when making a diagnosis. It should not be confused with the complaints of prostate enlargement. • Medication • Closed Prostate Surgery (TUR) • Open prostate surgery • PV Laser System (Photoselective Vaporization Method of Prostate) There are different approaches to treatment for each patient. Which of these treatment options will be appropriate is decided by considering the patient's age, general condition, degree of complaints, and laboratory data. Of course, the first option should be medical. However, in cases where there is no complete response from medical treatment, or patients who cannot (unwillingly) use drugs, surgical treatment is recommended. If the patient has a catheter, if there is hydronephrosis in both kidneys, if there is a large amount of residual urine, emergency surgery is recommended as the first choice before medical treatment is started. In a patient for whom both medical and surgical treatment is planned, prostate cancer should be ruled out first. For this, a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test should be performed in the blood. If it is higher than 4 ng/ml, which is the upper limit of the normal value, pathological evaluation should be performed with prostate needle biopsy. If organ-confined prostate adenocarcinoma is detected, complete treatment will be provided with radical surgery. Therefore, early diagnosis is important. If the PSA is high and the pathology is not malignant, it is either due to prostate inflammation, the tumor could not be reached, or the prostate is too large. No medical treatment has yet been as successful as surgical treatment. Among the surgical treatments, the most frequently used and accepted gold standard surgery technique is "transurethral prostatectomy", that is, TUR-P. Under anesthesia, a device is entered through the urethra, and the prostate tissue, which causes obstruction around the urinary tract, is cut using electric current and taken out of the same channel in pieces. It is a very effective method in small and medium-sized prostates. The patient usually stays in the hospital for one day, there is no need for blood transfusion and it gives effective results. Open surgery is still used in very large prostates. Open surgery has a higher complication rate.

  • Kidney Stone Treatment Methods

    When people apply to the emergency department with severe pain when stones smaller than 10 mm formed in their kidneys fall into the urinary canal, sometimes when they apply to a doctor with ambiguous pain, it can be detected that they have kidney stones. In this case, the doctor he goes to directs the patient to the urology specialist. The urologist also offers the patient various treatment options. In fact, since these options may vary according to each doctor, the confused patient is confused about what to do. While the doctor offers a treatment option, he makes recommendations based on his knowledge, experience and dexterity. I also wanted to share my views on this matter. Stones smaller than 10 mm When stones smaller than 10 mm fall into the urinary canal, they cause severe pain and progress to the lower end of the ureter (the entrance to the urinary bladder). Since the average diameter of this part is 2 mm, 2-3 mm stones fall with mild pain, while 4-5 mm stones usually fall with severe pain that can last for a few days. Stones larger than 5 mm get stuck here. It causes both severe pain and enlargement of the kidney channels. This means that kidney functions are adversely affected. These stones should be treated with endoscopic method (ureterorenoscopy). The stone is reached by entering through the urinary tract with a thin fiberoptic device, and it is broken out and removed. Since it is an easy and harmless method, patients should not hesitate to make a decision. stones between 10-20 mm If the stone size is 10-20 mm, the stone breaking method with sound waves from outside the body (ESWL) is tried for these patients since there is no possibility of stone falling out. In addition, ESWL is an easy option for easy removal for stones larger than 5 mm that fall into the urinary canal. Thus, large stones can be broken into small pieces with this method, allowing them to fall more easily. The success rate is 80%. Stones larger than 20 mm If the stone cannot be broken or is larger than 20 mm, it is necessary to plan surgery. Previously, the only option was to enter the kidney with a 20-25 cm incision in the kidney region with the classical method and reach the kidney and remove the stones from the collecting system of the kidney. The cut areas were stitched with suitable threads and the process was terminated. After this surgery, the patient's recovery was long and the complication rate was higher. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL) is the surgical method that has been widely applied in recent years, following the advancement of technology and science. Surgery performed with this method is more advantageous than classical surgery in terms of faster recovery and complication rate. In PNL surgery, a 10 mm diameter cannula is inserted from the posterior region into the renal collecting system. The stone is removed by breaking with the camera.


    Varicocele is the result of excessive dilation of the veins carrying dirty blood from the testicles, and the backflow of blood in them. In the testicles that cannot drain the dirty blood sufficiently, sperm production may be impaired due to impaired blood circulation, temperature increase and accumulated toxic substances, and infertility may occur. Varicocele is caused by abnormal enlargement of the veins draining the testicle and the reverse flow of blood in it. It is possible to see enlarged veins over the scrotum in men with varicocele. The appearance of such convoluted and large veins in the scrotum should be suspicious of varicocele. Normally, 12% of all men also have varicocele. After marriage, 50% of these men have a child without any trouble or problem, while the other 50% consult a doctor due to infertility. The larger the varicocele, the greater its danger. Also, the longer the varicocele has been present, the more damage it will do. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to varicocele even in adolescence, and surgery if necessary. Varicocele should be considered in men who sometimes have pain and swelling in their bags or complain that they do not have a child. The diagnosis of varicocele is made by clinical examination. Sometimes it cannot be detected on examination. In this case, ultrasound or Doppler examinations are required. The treatment of varicocele is surgery. A small incision is made in the inguinal region and the damaged vein is ligated. It is a small operation, and the patient can usually be discharged on the same day and continue his daily activities. It is preferred to use a microscope in surgery. Varicocele surgery has no significant side effects. Rarely, swelling due to the accumulation of water in the bags is seen, but this is not often seen in careful surgeries. It may be beneficial to administer hormones and/or blood circulation regulators to the patients for 2-3 months following the surgery in order to stimulate the impaired hormone production in the testicles. An improvement should be expected after 3 months at the earliest. Afterwards, check-ups are required at 6-month intervals. In controls, sperm analysis and recurrence of varicocele are investigated. In recurrent cases, reoperation can be performed. The lack of improvement in the sperm analysis does not mean that the surgery was not successful. Studies have shown that although the number of sperm does not change, their quality improves. In couples who will undergo IVF, checking the male's varicocele first and, if varicocele is present, in vitro fertilization after surgery increases the success even more. Within 1 year following the varicocele surgery, 1/3 of the patients have a significant improvement in sperm values ​​and they can get their spouses pregnant. While preoperative spermiogram values ​​improve in ninety percent, there may be no change in ten percent. Since having a child depends on many factors belonging to both men and women, other disorders accompanying varicocele should be thoroughly investigated and treated.

  • Fibroids and Polyps Can Be Symptoms!

    1. Intrauterine Polyp (Endometrial Polyp) Endometrial polyps are benign tumoral formations originating from the innermost layer of the uterus (endometrium) in approximately 1 in 10 women. Polyps, known as "flesh in the uterus" among the people, are usually detected by ultrasonography and aqueous-ultrasonography (saline infusion sonography), but the definitive diagnosis is made by pathological examination after the polyp is removed by curettage or hysteroscopy. Polyps usually cause complaints such as excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding, intermittent bleeding, bleeding in menopause, and persistent brown discharge. Polyps larger than 1 cm may cause inability to conceive or miscarriage. Although the factors that cause polyps are not fully known, excess estrogen activity can cause this condition. Endometrial polyps are common in people treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer. Most of the polyps do not cause any complaints, but they should be removed when the polyp is noticed. Polyp removal is often performed hysteroscopically today. Before and After Closed Polyp Surgery If closed polyp surgery is to be performed for diagnostic purposes, it is performed without the need for anesthesia or with local anesthesia. There is no pain after the procedure and the patient can return home. The closed polyp surgery, which is applied for therapeutic purposes, is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, no food or liquid should be taken at least 6 hours before the operation. Since anesthesia is applied during the operation, no pain or pain is felt. After the operation, the patient can return to his normal life on the same day or the next day. The day after the operation, the patient may experience mild cramps and spotting bleeding. Drugs should not be used other than the surgeon's knowledge and recommended medication, and sexual intercourse should be avoided until the recovery period is completed. If the following situations are encountered after closed polyp surgery, it is important to see a doctor immediately. -Excessive vaginal bleeding -Smelly and excessive vaginal discharge - Severe abdominal pain -Fire 2. Fibroids They are benign tumors that develop from the uterine muscle tissue, seen in 2 out of 5 women. There are types with different diameters in the muscle tissue of the uterus (intramural), towards the uterine cavity (submucous) and towards the outside of the uterus (subserous, intraligamentary), sometimes connected by a stalk. Although fibroids are often asymptomatic, that is, they do not cause complaints, they can cause an increase in the amount of menstrual bleeding, inguinal pain, changes in urine and bowel habits depending on the location and size. In some of the fibroids, follow-up is sufficient and there is no definitive drug treatment. Unfortunately, if definitive treatment is necessary, surgery is performed. Myoma surgery is performed with two techniques in surgery. One is abdominal incision open surgery, The other is done with a closed, that is, laparoscopic method. Although depending on the experience of the physician , the laparoscopic method should be the primary choice in terms of patient health and comfort if the size , number and location of fibroids are appropriate . Submucous fibroids that cause severe pain and bleeding in the uterine cavity can be easily removed with a closed-day procedure called hysteroscopy. The recovery period after myoma surgery is very short in laparoscopy, and it is 1 week late in open surgery compared to laparoscopy. Unfortunately, fibroids can recur at a rate of 15-20%. The change that fibroids make within themselves is called degeneration. Although this is very common during pregnancy, it can also occur outside of pregnancy. It causes severe abdominal and groin pain. Myoma treatment and follow-up require serious experience. Fibroid Symptoms Many fibroids do not show any symptoms, even if they are large. The main symptoms of fibroids can be listed as follows: - Differences in menstrual bleeding More frequent and longer menstrual periods more bleeding Menstrual pain (cramp) anemia due to blood loss Vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual period -Pain On the stomach or back during intercourse -Oppression Pain in the rectum, constipation or disordered bowel movements abdominal cramps Difficulty urinating or frequent urination Infertility and Miscarriages Growth in the abdomen and uterus Since these symptoms may be a sign of other problems, a doctor should be consulted if these symptoms are observed.

  • Things to Know About Genital Aesthetics!

    Genital aesthetics in women covers all of the operations applied to the genital area (inner and outer lip, vagina, around the clitoris and perineum), provided that they are over the age of 18, vaginoplasty (vaginal aesthetics) and labioplasty (labial aesthetic) surgeries are mostly performed in the form of a combined procedure. Vaginal Aesthetics Vaginal aesthetics is an aesthetic procedure that generally provides vaginal tightening with surgical or non-surgical applications applied to the vagina. Vaginal enlargement is a condition that often causes sexual dysfunction that occurs in advanced ages in women with multiple vaginal (normal) deliveries, difficult vaginal (normal) deliveries, women with vaginal (normal) deliveries over 4000 g, and women with congenital connective tissue weakness. Vaginal aesthetic procedure may cause orgasm problems in women with vaginal enlargement complaints, since the vagina cannot trap the penis during sexual intercourse. The sound and air coming from the vagina during intercourse can cause complaints and impair the quality of the relationship. Vaginal aesthetics should be applied in these cases, as libido may be lost over time. The important point in vaginoplasty surgery is the problems of over-narrowing or under-narrowing the vagina. Apart from this, there may be very few visible vaginal infections and bleeding problems due to surgery, so help from an experienced physician should be sought. How is it done? Vaginoplasty surgery takes an average of 1-1.5 hours if there is no accompanying genital aesthetic procedure, such as labiaplasty (genital lip aesthetics). In operating room conditions, general anesthesia can be applied to a lesser extent, mostly regional (spinal anesthesia) anesthesia. Vaginoplasty surgery is performed in the operating room, after the surgical position is given and the cleaning procedures are done, the excess tissues on both the anterior wall and the posterior wall of the vagina are removed and the tissue we call fascia tissue is repaired in order to reduce the repetition of enlargement in the vagina, and the incisions in the vagina are repaired. You will be discharged from the hospital on the same day or the next day after the vaginoplasty surgery, necessary medications should be continued after the surgery, 1 week -10 days rest will be sufficient after the surgery, then work can be started, sexual intercourse is the main rule for 6 weeks, standing shower should be taken, swimming pool- should not enter the sea-bath, control and necessary counseling should be given after 1 week and before the first sexual intercourse. The ideal is not to have a vaginal (normal) delivery again after vaginoplasty, if you are thinking of pregnancy and you are going to have a vaginal (normal) delivery, you will need vaginal aesthetics again. After vaginoplasty, your sexual pleasure and your partner's sexual pleasure will increase, so your sexual life will be happier, the woman's self-confidence will increase, all negative situations during intercourse before the aesthetic procedure will disappear and it will reflect positively on your psychology. The first sexual intercourse should be tried at the earliest 6 weeks after the vaginoplasty surgery, your doctor's control and recommendations should be taken into account before the intercourse. Labial Aesthetics Labiaplasty is an aesthetic procedure performed to correct the disproportion and deformities of the small (inner) and large (outer) lips in the genital area in women. Labiaplasty surgery can be performed surgically with the technique called wedge-shaped, which is known as the classical methods, as well as the modern new technique made by me to correct the asymmetry and brown color of the lips, around the accompanying clitoris, as a complex (personalized labiaplasty) or surgery by cutting by laser. as can be done. In women, it is often done due to congenital size, disproportionation, problems when wearing tight pants or having problems during intercourse in women, and for those with rapid weight loss in large lips, for reduction or filling after sagging. How is it done? Labiaplasty surgery can be performed with local anesthesia depending on the size of the problem, or it can often be performed with regional spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia, the operation time varies between 1-3 hours depending on the size of the problem. Although it is not common after the surgery, swelling due to blood accumulation in the lip, edema due to surgery, pain in the postoperative lip area, problems during healing, infection development may result in a bad appearance after the healing is complete and revision (re-operation) may be necessary. The results of the surgery are successful. After the recovery, the patients feel very well psychologically as they get rid of their old bad appearance, they can wear tight clothes easily, and they feel more comfortable during intercourse. You can continue your normal life on the 4th or 5th day after the surgery, care should be taken not to get hit on the genital area for 1.5 months, sexual intercourse should not be for 6 weeks, motorcycle, bicycle and

  • What Are Female Genital Cancers? Attention to Symptoms!

    Female genital cancers are divided into internal genital and external genital cancers. Internal genital cancers: cervical cancer Cancers from the uterine lining and uterine muscle (endometrium and sarcoma) ovarian cancer Vaginal Cancer External Genital Cancers Vulvar Cancer We often see internal genital cancers. Foremost among these, endometrial cancer of the uterine lining is the most common type of cancer in Turkey. What are its symptoms: In uterine lining endometrium cancer; Abnormal bleeding (especially during menopause) Discomfort, pressure, pain in the lower abdomen swelling in the abdomen Swelling in the genital shade Unexplained weight loss In cervical cancer; post intercourse bleeding What are the Diagnostic Methods: Cervical smear pap (for cervical cancer) hysteroscopy MRI & Computed tomography Endometrial biopsy ultrasonography Dilation and curettage If any problems are detected as a result of the scans, detailed examinations may be requested.

  • “Cancer is the disease of the family”

    The plague of our age is cancer; “Cancer, unfortunately, is the disease of the family. Being insensitive to the feelings and pain of our loved ones It is not possible. In our culture where the concept of family is strong, this is even more important for our country” !! “FAMILY STORY MUST BE IMPORTANT” To whom and how often do we recommend Cancer Screenings & Screenings? Women should have a mammogram every year after their 40s. For cervical cancer, it is recommended to take a smear at most every 3 years. For men, if he is a heavy smoker, he can have some tomographic scans with low radiation characteristics. After the age of 50, colonoscopy can be performed once every 10 years for colon cancer. Another important point is family history. Having a family history of breast cancer and colon cancer doubles the risk of cancer. It is important for people to be conscious in this sense in terms of early diagnosis. Can people trust their genes by saying, "There is no case of cancer in my family"? Genetic factors are important in only 10 to 20 percent of cancer diseases. For the remaining 80 to 90 percent of the population, genetics is not considered important for protection. What does multidisciplinary approach in cancer treatment mean? What difference and advantages does this approach bring to the treatment and the patient? Multidisciplinary approach is a way of thinking in which many branches come together, evaluate the patient and decide on the treatment methods together. We can achieve higher treatment success with the approach that brings together many branches in oncology. Very close to related branches we are working. With its surgery, radiotherapy, support services, medical oncology, diagnostic branches, radiology, nuclear medicine, all oncology services are a whole. Since every organ system has cancer, physicians working in oncology, provided that they have experience in surgery and oncology of each department; Radiotherapy is a combination of intensive efforts in diagnosis-oriented branches and pathology. “SMART TREATMENTS BRING LOWER SIDE EFFECTS” So, do current treatments wear out patients less during chemotherapy treatment? Supportive treatments that will reduce the side effects of chemotherapy are now more developed and diversified. In addition, targeted therapies (smart therapies) are more individualized and bring with them a lower side-effect profile. The use of appropriate treatment in the appropriate cancer patient is therefore very important and requires expertise. Morale and support are paramount in cancer. Advice to relatives of cancer patients !!! It is important to be a good listener, to allow the patient to talk without interrupting, to give importance to the feelings of the patients and not to give him unwanted advice and coercion (such as you should eat this, you should not cry), and to make him feel that you are with him. “THE GEOGRAPHICAL TYPES OF CANCER ARE ALSO DIFFERENT” If we say the last 50 years of cancer, can we say that cancer cases have increased? In the last 50 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of cancer diseases. As life increases, chronic diseases increase. We live longer, but do we live better quality? One of the factors that impair quality is cancer. The geographical manifestations of cancer are also different. Colon cancer ranks first among digestive system cancers in Europe and America. But the situation is different in Turkey. stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, We see that colon cancer is far ahead of us. What is the social and psychological dimension of cancer? Cancer, unfortunately, is the disease of the family. It is not possible for us to remain insensitive to the feelings and pain of our loved ones. Therefore, the family perceives psychological, financial and physical problems as a whole and together. In our culture where the concept of family is strong, this is more for our country. is also important.

  • Our lesson: cancer! “We are after everything that will keep hope alive”

    Seeking hope outside of modern medicine in cancer treatment has very important results! Hope is very important to all of us. We're chasing all kinds of things to keep hope alive! Breast, cervical, lung and colon cancers are common in women. In men, lung cancer, prostate cancer, head, neck and stomach cancers are more common in our country. Especially in women, breast and uterine cancer screening is very important. For men, after the age of 40, the PSA test should definitely be done! Could you give information about the multidisciplinary approach in cancer treatment? What difference and benefits does this approach bring to the treatment and the patient? We were able to achieve higher treatment success with a multidisciplinary approach in oncology. Multidisciplinary approach; It is a way of thinking in which many branches come together, evaluate the patient together, and decide on treatment methods together. In order to eliminate the disease or its complications in the appropriate patient, these branches come into play in surgery, small or large stages. Radiation therapy is the same. We can usually give it as a preventative after surgery, but every patient is special in himself. We don't just look at it as a case of prostate cancer when people walk through the door if it's prostate cancer. Because we know that prostate cancer, like breast or lung cancer, are different biological subgroups of other cancers. In this subgroup, we highlight the stage of the disease, the characteristics of our patient, and the treatments specific to that patient. While doing this, we always come together with related branches. Since every organ system has cancer, doctors working in each department have experience in surgery and oncology. Oncology; Radiotherapy is a combination of intensive efforts in diagnosis-oriented branches and pathology. What are the most common types of cancer in men and women? Could you give information about the incidence of cancers by gender? Breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung and colon cancers are common in women. In men, lung cancer, prostate cancer, head, neck and stomach cancers are more common in our country. Although cancers related to smoking in our country are better than in the past due to some attitudes, unfortunately, the increasing trend continues. A slight decrease may have started after the ban on smoking. But still smoking-related cancers are a serious problem. Among these, we can count head and neck cancers, lung cancer, bladder cancer, kidney tumors and bone marrow tumors. Unfortunately, smoking continues to be an important problem in our country as it increases the risk of developing many cancers. “MAN CAN ALSO HAVE BREAST CANCER” Does breast cancer only occur in women? Do men also need to do some check-ups or have them done, knowing the importance of early diagnosis? Breast cancer is more common in women. 1 out of every 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer. The incidence in men is about 1% of the incidence in women. Although it brings easy diagnosis due to the anatomical structure of the male chest, With the thought and approach that there is no breast cancer, we see that there are developments in the diagnosis, contrary to what is believed. Here, no special screening is required for male breast cancer, but we are aware of the existence of other cancer types that require screening. we should be. Certain cancers stand out in Turkey, if we reduce this to Antalya, is there a prominent cancer type? We don't have a very different view in Antalya from other mosaics in Turkey. Skin cancer is one of the tumors that can be seen in Turkey. Its frequency may be increasing in Antalya. It may have increased with greater exposure to sunlight, and especially with damage to the ozone layer, but we don't have solid statistics to show that this has increased compared to past years. In general, we see more European distribution in cancers as we go to the western parts. Colon, breast, lung are more prominent. When we go to the eastern part, we see that different types of cancer, such as the esophagus and stomach, can predominate regionally. “FAMILY STORY HAS AN IMPORTANT PLACE” What would you recommend to our readers for cancer screening? To whom and how often would you recommend the scans? I would like to remind you that breast and uterine cancer screenings are very important, especially in women. After the age of 40, he should have a mammogram every year. For cervical cancers, smears can be taken at least once every 3 years. I would like to remind you that especially after the age of 50, screening of the large intestine may be on the agenda. For colon cancer, a colonoscopy can be performed every 10 years after the age of 50. Another important point is family history. In men, PSA can be tested after the age of 50, again at an advanced age. Colon evaluation also applies to men. Low-dose tomography screening for lung cancer is a prominent method in the world.


    RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A HEALTHY LIVING WITH SCIENCE GUIDANCE Before each new year and as the new year approaches, we make some decisions about ourselves and our environment. Since even the Ottoman sultan said "To be a state is like a breath of health in the world" centuries ago, one of the most valuable gifts we can have today is to be healthy and stay healthy. Then we can also make some resolutions to be and stay healthier before the new year. We talked about so many things in the last years. We said let's not eat sugar, we said we should consume this food product more and this food less, we always questioned the ways of being and staying healthy and we tried to apply it as much as we could. So, what are the facts and suggestions that science points to? The good news is, these suggestions not only help us reduce the risk of cancer, they also have protective effects on our heart and brain. The hard part is not the kind of suggestions we make for a short time and then leave; that is, it is effective when applied continuously. However, no matter how well we implement the suggestion, we also see that it is not possible to prevent one hundred percent disease due to fateful, environmental, or chance-related factors. However, let's define a healthy, cancer-free lifestyle in the light of science. I have 5 recommendations for you: 1. Give importance to your spouse, friend, friend 2. Eat right, eat less 3. Move right 4. Apply for early diagnosis 5. Don't embed, share 1. Give importance to your spouse, friend, friend Living in a socially poor environment, and being and staying isolated is one of the factors that increase the risk of premature death the most. Let's keep our family, work and friends circle rich, which we find meaningful and enjoyable to be together. The condition of being human is to help, share, tell and listen. Observational studies clearly show that social poverty, that is, isolation, increases the risk of premature death more than smoking. Even gifting the elderly orphans with a plant for which they will only care and be responsible may have a protective effect from death, in a study conducted in nursing homes. A good friend will be much more important than that, no doubt. 2. Eat right, eat less Eat moderately rich in vegetables, fruits, seafood, olive oil and unprocessed grain products, and low in white flour and sugar, red meat products, salt content and animal fats. Try to stay at a normal weight. It is well known that obesity increases the risk of some cancers such as colon, uterine and prostate cancers, and also impairs vascular and organ health. Suppressing the excessive and chronic inflammatory reaction in the body can also be protective against many devastating diseases; these include some serious brain diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer's. Although a drug to prevent these conditions has not yet been found, I think that some foods that suppress the inflammatory reaction may contribute in this sense. Although there is no full clinical data in this direction, some foodstuffs that have been shown to have a protective effect in laboratory or animal studies include oats, flaxseed, red grapes, pomegranate, sage, green tea, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. We can include more of these products in our diet, but consciously. 3. Move right Sitting in front of a computer screen all day, spending hours in front of the TV and being idle is actually not for us. Doing sports or brisk walking most days of the week to slightly increase the heart rate, if possible, with a friend will be protective. We know that postmen in England and shepherds in Sicily lived long. We also know that in those who play tennis, general health is better at advanced ages than the general population, bone density remains higher, and premature deaths are less common. I think this applies to many sports when done carefully and deliberately, especially if done in a group or with a friend. 4. Apply for early diagnosis Among the cancer screening tests, mammography for breast cancer, smear for cervical cancer, psa blood test for prostate cancer, or colonoscopy for colon cancer can help in early diagnosis, apply to health centers to have this done in appropriate age groups, in appropriate people, and on time. Early treatment of some additional health conditions, such as high blood pressure, which may occur in intermittent health checks, may prevent future brain, cardiovascular diseases. 5. Don't embed, share Stress is a known serious health risk factor. It has been shown by researchers in recent years that long-term exposure to stress can increase death due to lung and heart-related non-cancer problems, but it also increases the risk of colon cancer, lung and esophageal cancer. We can contribute to our health by reducing stress-related factors in our lives, sharing the stress burden with our friends and environment, and, in my opinion, by getting the support of psychologists and therapists for the parts we cannot cope with.


    The main symptom of migraine that develops in attacks is headache. 30-35% of all headaches are migraine headaches. Migraine attacks are usually throbbing and may be exacerbated by activities. Along with the headache, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, discomfort from light, sound, and smell can also be seen. In many patients, one half of the head hurts and may change sides; generally tends to one half more than the other half. It is often located at the temples and sometimes behind the eye or eyes. The forehead, the back of the head and just behind the ear are the most common places for migraine headaches. The incidence in women at a young age when hormones are active is three times that of men. There are certain factors that trigger migraine. However, these factors may not be valid for all migraineurs. Stress, extreme excitement, changes in sleep patterns, strenuous activities, hunger, cigarette smoke, heavy and sharp odors, certain foods such as chocolate, moldy cheese and nuts, alcoholic beverages, menstrual period or sudden weather changes can trigger migraine attacks. Migraine attacks can be divided into two with and without aura. Some neurological symptoms seen just before the pain are called "Aura". Symptoms such as flickering, flashing lights, dizziness, excessive smell, and numbness in the arms and legs occur before the onset of pain or during the initial development of the pain. When the patient feels these symptoms, he understands that a migraine attack will come. These symptoms do not appear in migraine without aura. The clinical diagnosis is made after the complaints of migraine patients are evaluated by the doctor. The first condition in the treatment of migraine is to recognize the triggering factors and avoid the preventable ones. This alone will provide a significant reduction in the number of attacks. With appropriate treatment, patients can get rid of migraine attacks. If the pain is infrequent after the diagnosis of migraine; Crisis treatment is planned to relieve pain attacks. Preventive treatment should be applied when attacks occur 1-2 times a week or more. In addition, treatment solutions must be sought because it negatively affects the quality of life and reduces productivity. Sometimes, pain attacks can disappear or their frequency and severity can be reduced by eliminating the triggering factors (such as hunger, insomnia, hormone use). A pain-free life for years can be achieved with medications taken only once a day under the control of a doctor.

  • Epilepsy (Sara)

    The clinical picture that emerges as temporary and abnormal electrical discharges that start suddenly in the brain cells is known as epilepsy among the people. Not every person who has epileptic seizures has epilepsy. A person may have a one-off epileptic seizure at some point in his life. Epilepsy is diagnosed when seizures recur with certain characteristics for each patient over time, sometimes spontaneously and sometimes on the basis of triggering factors. Epilepsy disease, which does not distinguish between gender, is mostly seen in young people and elderly people. Epilepsy disease, which can occur without any reason, genetic developmental abnormalities Infections exposed while in the womb toxic substances Deprivation of oxygen during birth Brain infections such as meningitis after birth head injuries Prolonged and recurrent febrile seizures Heavy metal or carbon monoxide poisoning Brain tumors, stroke, brain hemorrhages Excessive alcohol consumption can also occur for reasons such as metabolic disorders. Factors such as not taking the drugs used for epilepsy, insomnia and irregular diet can trigger seizures. A multidisciplinary approach is required in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. It is appropriate for the treatment to be evaluated by specialist neurologists in centers that have the infrastructure required by medical and surgical treatment and specialists such as neurosurgery, neuroradiologists, psychiatrists, and neuropsychologists. There are two ways to treat it: medication and surgery. Drug selection should be made according to Hasan's age, other diseases, and the type of seizure. Some patients can use epilepsy drugs for a long time or even for life. The most important point in drug treatment is the regular and planned use of drugs. For the success of the treatment, it is very important to change the lifestyle of the patient and pay attention to the way of nutrition in addition to drug therapy. Epilepsy surgery is generally applied to patients with drug resistance.


    Alzheimer's disease, which is an insidious and slowly progressing disease that is not reversible, is popularly known as dementia. Alzheimer's disease causes memory, thought and behavior problems. Problems progress over time and may worsen enough to affect daily activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and 50-80% of all dementia cases are due to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is not defined as a condition that is the result of aging, although the majority of patients are over the age of 65. 5% of people who get this disease are around 40-50 years old. Although the causes of Alzheimer's disease are not known for certain, hereditary factors, protein accumulation in the brain, death of brain cells, deterioration of neural transmission, advanced age, previous depression, heart attack, vascular diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, and serious head trauma are among the risk factors. In order to prevent Alzheimer's disease, which can reduce the quality of life and reach serious health levels, some brain-based warnings should be paid attention to in daily life. Forgetfulness that begins to affect daily life, Having problems in planning and problem solving, Difficulty in doing things known and done before, Confusion about time and place Difficulty in understanding and associating images with each other, Word finding difficulties in speaking and writing misplacing items, Having difficulty in making a decision Avoidance of social activities and obligations, Personality changes are among the symptoms of the disease. The patient with Alzheimer's symptoms should consult a neurologist as soon as possible. Treatment should be planned by investigating other causes of dementia. There is no known definitive treatment for the disease. With the treatment, even if the disease is not completely eliminated, the progression of the disease can be slowed down and the problems experienced can be reduced. Various drugs are used to increase the patient's quality of life and to cope with emerging psychological problems. Correction of nutrition and use of some support products can support the treatment. After the diagnosis of Alzheimer's, there are rules that the patient and his relatives must follow. The diagnosis should be accepted and the patient should be supported and encouraged in all his activities. From daily life activities; Bathing, toilet, urine-stool control, eating, dressing, shopping, money affairs, housework, food preparation, regular use of drugs should be especially followed. Notes should be taken on a piece of paper for the things to be done. The same should be done to locate items. It is dangerous for Alzheimer's patients to drive. Therefore, a person must accompany the patient as a driver. The patient should not restrict his hobbies. He must continue to do what he has done before. The more independent the patient can do, the more he will be able to maintain his quality of life.

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